
Press releases

Expanding super bubble of gas detected around massive black holes in the young Universe
Published 29 March, 2017 in Outreach

Giant reservoirs of hydrogen gas about 10 billion light years away.

In a study led by Sandy Morais, a PhD student at Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço (IA) and Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto (FCUP), researchers found... read more ❯
Revealing the origin and nature of the outskirts of stellar megalopolis
Published 15 February, 2017 in Outreach

Mosaic with the infrared images of the six massive elliptical galaxies at halfway the life time of the Universe found in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field.

The most detailed study of the outskirts of massive elliptical galaxies at half the age of the Universe was carried out by an international team led by Fernando Buitrago, of... read more ❯
A new tool to study galaxy evolution
Published 31 January, 2017 in Outreach


RemoveYoung is a new tool developed by Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço (IA) astronomers Jean Michel Gomes and Polychronis Papaderos. It is designed to suppress, from galaxy images,... read more ❯
Spiral-like patterns of star formation discovered in old galaxies
Published 22 November, 2016 in Outreach

NGC 1167

Using data from the SDSS and CALIFA surveys, a team of astronomers, led by Jean Michel Gomes and Polychronis Papaderos from the Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço (IA), in... read more ❯
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