
Press releases

Astronomers observe a Cosmic Jellyfish
Published 1 October, 2019 in Outreach

An international team, with the participation of an Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço (IA) researcher, used data from the ALMA radiotelescope to produce a detailed map of the... read more ❯
Forecasting the hunt for the first supermassive black holes
Published 13 May, 2019 in Outreach

Simulação computacional da formação de um protoenxame de galáxias.

It is believed that the formation and growth of most galaxies across the history of the Universe have been fuelled by black holes nested in their very centre. These have... read more ❯
The image never seen before
Published 10 April, 2019 in Outreach

A primeira imagem de um buraco negro super-massivo foi obtida pelo projeto internacional Event Horizon Telescope

The first image of a black hole was announced today, the result of an international project with the participation of a collaborator of Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço... read more ❯
Spectral synthesis codes with no ionized gas emission produce biased estimates of galactic properties
Published 5 April, 2019 in Outreach

Galáxia espiral NGC 1964

A novel code, developed by Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço (IA) researchers, shows that previous population synthesis codes, which only account for stellar emission, underestimate galaxy properties like... read more ❯
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