
Press releases

Artificial Intelligence helps in the identification of astronomical objects
Published 26 May, 2022 in Outreach

SHEEP is a new artificial intelligence software, developed by researchers at Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço, in Portugal, to help classify astronomical sources. 26th of May 2022 –  Classifying... read more ❯
First observations of Cosmic Web filaments
Published 18 March, 2021 in Outreach

With observations from the MUSE spectrograph, a team or researchers, including from Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço (IA), has managed to observe cosmic filaments, when the Universe was about... read more ❯
Cosmic giants launch a new era in radio astronomy
Published 18 January, 2021 in Outreach

A radiogaláxia gigante MGTC J095959.63+024608.6, detetada com o radiotelescópio MeerKAT.

The discovery of two new giant galaxies in the radio emission suggests that many more of these impressive structures are about to be revealed, according to an international study1 with... read more ❯
New study questions decades of research on the evolution of spiral galaxies
Published 26 August, 2020 in Outreach

Previous studies on the formation and evolution of spiral galaxies might have been based on a wrong assumption, suggests a team of researchers of Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do... read more ❯
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