Beyond the Edge of the Universe

An international conference organized by the Institute of Astrophysics and Space Sciences.

Beyond the Edge of the Universe
Latest results from the deepest astronomical surveys

(Sintra, Portugal, 21-25 October 2024)

Conference program


SOC: José Afonso (chair, IA), Andrea Cimatti (U. Bologna), Elisabete da Cunha (UWA), Mark Dickinson (NOIRLab), James Dunlop (ROE), Henry Ferguson (STScI), Mauro Giavalisco (U. Massachusetts), Ken Kellermann (NRAO), Lisa Kewley (CfA), Manuela Magliocchetti (INAF-IAPS), Bahram Mobasher (U. California), Ray Norris (CASS), Laura Pentericci (co-chair, INAF-OAR), Piero Rosati (U. Ferrara), Emma Ryan-Weber (ASTRO3D), Renske Smit (Astrophysics Research Institute, LJMU), Linda Tacconi (MPE), Susanna Vergani (CNRS)

LOC: Davi Barbosa, Sandra Homem, Israel Matute (chair), Henrique Miranda, Ciro Pappalardo, João Retrê (Science Communication Coordinator)



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